Sem edini Slovenec z nazivom MVP za Excel. Svojo navdušenost in znanje delim preko podjetja Excel Olympics v obliki tečajev, projektov ter predavanj na konferencah po vsem svetu. Moja pot do večne sreče v profesionalnem svetu je vsako leto deliti znanje Excela s skoraj 500 tečajniki ter poslušalci in jim pokazati, kako z Excelom, Officeom 365 ter Power BI-jem postati produktivni preko njihovih pričakovanj.
Key differences between Power BI and Excel (for an Excel user)
- Podatki in analitika
- ponedeljek 10:00 - 10:45
- Mediteranea 2
- Nivo 300
- Demo 90%
- Konferenca TECH
Whether you perceive Power BI as an Excel alternative or a whole different genre of BI applications, it is increasingly becoming the staple of business reporting in Enterprise environments. This session should help you understand why Power BI is on the rise and the six key differences between Excel and Power BI. With this understanding, you should also get a feel for when to use Excel and when Power BI is a better option. All of this is to say that this session should not replace any tool in your arsenal but rather add a great new set of tools.
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Excel Olympics
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