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Anja Ostovršnik

Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko

Anja Ostovršnik

Anja Ostovršnik is a computer science student specializing in cybersecurity. She studied at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science in Ljubljana and subsequently enrolled in a master's program in the same field at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Maribor. Anja has been involved in cybersecurity for over five years and is a member of the student association Dragonsec SI, actively participating in CTF competitions. For the past two years, she has also been part of the Slovenian team at the ECSC (European CyberSecurity Challenge) and is an active advocate for the Women4Cyber movement. She briefly worked at the Jožef Stefan Institute, researching causal reasoning using neural networks. As a student she currently works in the cybersecurity department at GEN-I. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, cycling, air rifle shooting, and climbing. Additionally, she is quite active in a local amateur radio club.