Uvedite proaktivno varnost s pristopom Zero Trust | Microsoft
S povečanjem priljubljenosti oddaljenega in hibridnega dela postajajo kibernetske grožnje vse bolj zapletene in jih je vse bolj težje odkriti. Zato je danes kibernetska varnost pomembnejša kot kdaj koli prej.
Vabimo vas, da se udeležite srečanja Uvedite proaktivno varnost s pristopom Zero Trust (okrogla miza). Obiščite nas 27. oktobra ob 10:00 v Microsoftovih pisarnah, Ameriška ulica 8, Ljubljana in raziščite, kako pristop Zero Trust deluje v ozadju in vam omogoča, da se osredotočite na tisto, kar znate najbolje.
Teme, o katerih bomo razpravljali na dogodku, bodo naslednje:
- Uvod
- Pregled ogrodja Zero Trust
- Glavna ponudba Zero Trust
- Odprti krog razprav
- Poziv k dejanju/naslednji koraki
Prijavite se, spoznajte nas na dogodku in se pripravite na pogovor o vaši poti Zero Trust.
Prijavite se na dogodek: Microsoft Events
Embrace proactive security with Zero Trust (Roundtable session) In-person event
With remote and hybrid work increasing in popularity, cyber threats are becoming more complex and harder to detect. This is why, today, cybersecurity is more important than ever.
You are invited to take part in Embrace proactive security with Zero Trust (Roundtable session). Come meet us on October 27th at 10:00 at Microsoft’s office, 8 Ameriška street, Ljubljana and explore how the Zero Trust approach works in the background, allowing you to focus on what you do best.
The topics to be discussed at the event will be as follows:
- Welcome & Intros
- Overview on Zero Trust Framework
- Premier Offering to Zero Trust
- Open round of discussions
- Call to Action/Next Steps
Sign up, meet us at the event and get ready to talk about your Zero Trust journey.
Register now button: Microsoft Events